Misson Control
Your mission, should you decide to accept is to solve one of three tasks presented below. Once a task(s) has been successfully performed you will receive the honor of being an Elliott Hitchcock "MAD Secret Agent!"
Good Luck!
Evidence Below:
Turn Spy Music On!
Evidence Below:

Time is
of the Essence!
Search this website and locate a Ticking Time Bomb with an analog clock. The time on that clock is what you're after. Put the exact time (NUMBERS ONLY) into the slot and press the button! Good luck, this is "time sensitive."
Click For Sound!

Pick a Card
Choose a "single" card that the magician is holding in his left hand and enter it into the Safe. Just remember, it may not be the deck you're looking at. When you put the correctly chosen card into the safe, we will alert you to the fact that you have completed that mission. Ahh, the games people play!

The Bond Girl Cutting in Half!
Watch the movie clip and answer the question "What Movie is this Scene From?" You will find a stage illusion with a "Bond Girl" stuck inside. It's your job to put her back together. Fill in the blank and you will be reward! You'll be alerted when you're successful. Good Luck!
No Sound